
Bespoke Awards

We love the creative flexibility that acrylic permits. Bright colours, strong images and company logos can be precisely reproduced in the trophy design, to reflect the theme of your event. These are a great bespoke solution for employee and sports awards etc.

Perspex® Over Wood!

A lot of people are unaware of the things you can create using Acrylic/Perspex®.

I like to get across to clients that anything that can be crafted from wood, can also be created using Acrylic/Perspex®.

GO BESPOKE!!!!!!!! GO MODERN!!!!!!!!!

This is a perspex side table with a perspex mirror inside to give a nice reflective look.

Get connected

Callender Designs Ltd
Poole Dorset

Telephone: 01202-692-007

Email: info@callenderdesigns.com


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